Just Like Fire by Pink

When you believe, amazing things happen.  For the last 50 years, Camp K has believed that our students could achieve amazing things.  We believed that their families would trust Camp K, and enroll them in our programs.  We believed in our community.  We believed that generous people in our community would support our mission and programs to provide life-changing opportunities.  We have learned a lot during our history at Camp K. We learned that when you empower diversity and inclusion and add creativity, innovation happens.

We are excited about this video collaboration – Just Like Fire.  We worked with some very talented members of our community to create an amazing music video.  Thank you, Jen Marco, EPOCH Orchestra, and Fire Muse Circus for joining us in this project.  Together, we have planted seeds, and added love, hope, and empowerment.  The end result is magical!  We believe that our campers are “Just Like Fire”.  Through empowerment, they can achieve amazing things!  They have an opportunity to shine, to share with us their view of the world – and we all benefit from this experience.

If you believe in fair chances and opportunities for everyone, please share this with your friends and family, and ask them to share it too.

Watch the ‘Behind the Scenes’ Video

All donations directly benefit the students and programs at Camp K.

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