Get Involved!

Participate in our events

You can help make it possible for children, teens, and adults with all abilities to live their best lives. Plan now to help support Camp K in 2019, by attending one or all of our signature, festive fund-raisers…all to help raise funds to enable more people to experience the magic of Camp K!



Kostopulos Dream Foundation offers year-round employment opportunities. Seasonal positions are available for the Summer Camp Program from May through August, and the Community Based Programs from September through May. Kostopulos Dream Foundation is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, or ability level. Camp Kostopulos is a United Way member agency and is accredited by the American Camping Association.

Make a Donation

Please choose a donation level. Paypal and credit card accepted.


Contact Mircea Divricean with any questions:  801-582-0700 x103 or