Chad has been coming to Camp K for about 20 years. He first came to Camp K when he was in elementary school, and he still looks forward to attending each and every Camp K activity.
According to Chad’s Mom, Celia, signing Chad up for Camp K 20 years ago has been one of the best things in their lives. She said, “It’s not easy having a child with special needs, regardless of the age, and the people at Camp K are very special folks to want to work with the special needs people. I believe we are very lucky to have people at Camp K that are there because that is what they love, and want to be there. It’s not just a job.”
Celia continued, “The social aspect of Camp K is huge for Chad, and others like him. Going with a group, other than family, allows them to feel like they are like everyone else. Kids like Chad are the same as kids who don’t have special needs. They like to be with their peers and Camp K allows them to do this, in a safe environment. Special needs kids are very sociable and many have no boundaries when it comes to strangers. Camp K allows Chad and the others to be like everyone else, but still has the staff to make sure they stay safe.”
We thank Chad’s family for sharing Chad with us. Chad is very friendly, outgoing, and energetic. He brings a lot of joy to the people around him. We look forward to him being a part of the Camp K family for years to come.