Our President and CEO, Mircea Divricean, was featured in the American Camp Association’s Southwest Newsletter in April.
It Takes A Village!
Mircea has a conviction for leading innovative partnerships to build a sustainable, collective social impact in our community – and Mircea is here to do just that for the Southwest Local Council of Leaders. Mircea is dedicated to the mission of ACA and wants nothing more than to be one of the many building blocks that are coming together to grow the strength and presence of the Southwest Local Office. He is committed to helping grow the membership of the Southwest through networking, events, and communication.
Mircea knows that it takes a village to truly get things done! Are you interested in helping Mircea bring on more members of our great organization? The more Individual Members, Member Camps, and Accredited Camps that we can bring in to the ACA the more opportunities we can offer for our community through the camp experience, professional development, and member resources.
Click here for the full newsletter.