Scott Helmer will break the Guinness World Records title for Most Live Concerts in 24 Hours on #GivingTuesday – December 1, 2015 – to benefit Camp K
Independent touring and recording artist, Scott Helmer, plans to break the Guinness World Records title for Most Live Concerts in 24 hours on December 1, 2015 – a date that coincides with #GivingTuesday. His goal is to raise $1 Million for Kostopulos Dream Foundation, home of Camp K. All money will be used exclusively by Camp K to improve facilities, ensuring that Camp K can continue to provide high quality service in a safe environment for people with disabilities and special needs. Additionally, Scott and Camp K will raise awareness about the unique needs, challenges, and abilities of people with disabilities throughout the world.
Camp K is near and dear to Scott’s heart. He first visited Camp K in 2014, and was impressed by the Camp K’s mission, setting, staff, and campers. Scott shares a message of hope and of overcoming challenges. His message goes hand-in-hand with Camp K’s message, where people with disabilities and special needs are encouraged to overcome their challenges and accomplish things that they never before believed possible. At Camp K, everyone CAN!
Video produced by Don Hudson and ABC 4 Utah
Here is how this event will work:
Scott’s full Press Release can be viewed here.