Mircea Divricean and Celina Jensen
We are pleased to announce that our 28th annual “Send A Kid To Camp” Gala is on Friday, May 6th, 2016, at the Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek.
Please join us for a fun-filled evening including great food and drinks, entertainment, silent and live auctions, and an opportunity drawing.
We are grateful to Celina Jensen for being Camp K’s first Ambassador, during 2015/2016. During this year’s Gala, she will pass the title on to our 2016 Ambassador, Greg Kogan, who will be our Ambassador for 2016/2017.
This is our largest fundraising event of the year. We rely on support of our community so that we can provide our services to everyone, regardless of income.
We expect to see 500 attendees at our Gala, including some of Utah’s community leaders. All proceeds from this event will directly benefit our Summer Camp and year-round recreation programs and activities for youth and adults with physical and cognitive disabilities, and children with special medical needs.
Continuing our tradition, we will be celebrating the contributions made on behalf of children in our communities by honoring Ray and Tye Noorda Foundation and the Noorda family with our seventh Children’s Humanitarian Award. The Ray and Tye Noorda Foundation join the Sorenson Legacy Foundation, Ivory Homes, Wells Fargo, General Electric Healthcare, U of U Clinical Neurosciences Center, and the Children’s Tumor Foundation.
We will also celebrate people and organizations who have made a deep impact on Camp K and our programs by honoring ABC 4 Utah with our first annual Community Service Award.
If you would like to be a sponsor, or purchase tickets, click here for more information.
We are also accepting donations for the auctions. Please click here for more information.
Contact Mircea Divricean with any questions: 801-582-0700 x103 or mdivricean@campk.org.
We would like to thank our sponsors: