Vocational Rehabilitation – Professional Development Pt 2

  • Venue:
    Camp K
  • Start:
    March 13, 2017 4:00 pm
  • End:
    March 13, 2017 6:00 pm
  • Address:
    4180 E. Emigration Canyon Road
    Salt Lake City, UT, 84108

The Camp Kostopulos Vocational Rehab Program is designed to be a preparatory platform to teach participants the skills necessary to enter the workplace.  This program will be designed and implemented by Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists, with the assistance of qualified staff members with knowledge and experience in fields such as occupational therapy, recreational therapy, and social work. Classes will be run using a ratio of 1 staff member to every 5 participants. Each session will include hands-on experience to mock a real work environment.  Expected outcomes are: increased confidence in the work environment, appropriate social skills/customer service, basic financial literacy, increased attention span and concentration, decreased number of prompts and supervision needed, and exposure to basic food handling, custodial, and clerical work.


Please contact the Division of Rehabilitation Services if interested:

Erin Talley

